My goal as a chiropractor is to nurture the body and allow it to function at its highest level. Our office is a warm, comfortable environment where mothers, fathers and their children of all ages are welcome. We provide support in a number of ways.
Photography by Roe Anne White Photography
We are well connected within the holistic community here in New York City, and have a rich network of like minded professionals all dedicated to serving women and children during this incredible special and magical time.
Chiropractic adjustments facilitate the perfection and health innate in every child by keeping the nervous system cleared of stored stress and tension.
Why should my baby receive chiropractic adjustments? My baby is healthy!
The birth process, as amazing as it is, can be extremely stressful for both the mother and the baby. Physical stresses, such as pulling, torsion, and squeezing are all common to the birth process, even in the most natural and easy births. Add chemical input from pain medications, labor inducing drugs such as Pitocin, and physical trauma due to forceps, vacuum extraction or Cesarean section, and that is a lot of extra stress for a baby’s still developing immune and nervous systems. The adjustment facilitates the release of any tension that is being held in your baby’s system. It is a gentle and nurturing way to help your baby adapt to life “on the outside.”
Why would my child have tension in his/her nervous system?
Children are subject to many different forms of physical and emotional stress. Those backpacks are heavy! Sitting for lengths of time puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the base of the spine and on the lower vertebrae. Sports and regular horsing around create opportunities for injury and physical stress. Chiropractic adjustments aid your child in successfully adapting to the various types of input and activities we want them to enjoy.
May we maintain our regular health care routine while receiving chiropractic care?
Absolutely. Chiropractic care is not intended to replace regular and standard medical care, however, as your child becomes healthier as a result of our work together, you and your doctor may find less need for all types of intervention. This is good news for everyone!
Baby Emma gets adjusted...
What about babies who are experiencing certain difficulties such as:
- Colic
- Failure to thrive
- Difficulty with ‘latching on’
- Digestive disruption
- Difficulty sleeping
Infants who are expressing any of these symptoms should see a chiropractor to help facilitate their body’s natural ability to heal. Chiropractic adjustments may greatly aid the baby and may also eliminate the need for medical intervention.
Is chiropractic care appropriate for my active toddler?
Yes. Toddlers are constantly encountering potential stresses! Imagine how many times your toddler falls on their tushie, or bonks their head! These can create patterns of stress and tension in your child’s system that may later manifest as actual illnesses, or that may just squelch a bit of their radiant health.
Why would my child have tension in his/her nervous system?
Children are subject to many different forms of physical and emotional stress. Those backpacks are heavy! Sitting for lengths of time puts a tremendous amount of pressure on the base of the spine and on the lower vertebrae. Sports and regular horsing around create opportunities for injury and physical stress.
Chiropractic adjustments allow your child’s body to reconnect with its innate ability to heal thus allowing them full
expression of radiant health.
Are there specific situations in which chiropractic care can help my child?
Yes. While chiropractic care is not a specific treatment for any type of condition or disease, because we are releasing tension held in the nervous system, which coordinates every function of our body, chiropractic adjustments can create dramatic results for your child’s health and well being.
Children experiencing any of the following should be checked by a chiropractor:
- Chronic asthma
- Allergies
- Chronic colds
- Ear infections
- ADD &/or ADHD
- Chronic bedwetting
What are the side effects of chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care in general, and Bio-Geometric Integration in particular, is a safe and gentle approach to one’s body and health.
For more information on the safety of chiropractic care for your child, please visit:
Do chiropractic adjustments conflict with our regular health care routine?
No. There are no contraindications to chiropractic care. Chiropractic care is not intended to replace regular and standard medical care. As your child becomes healthier as a result of the work, you and your doctor may find less need for all types of intervention.
For more information please go to: www.icpa4kids.org
On this site you will find many greatly informative articles, such as:
Chiropractic and Children: It’s All About Function. http://www.icpa4kids.org/research/wellness.htm