Flourish NYC - Dr. Amy J. Burke

Flourish NYC's Client Testimonials ...


Hi Amy,

Well if that ain't the understatement of the year I don't know what is: I saw my doctor this morning and lo and behold baby has turned head down! I was so excited I very nearly fell off the table. (Dr. D. was so psyched she shrieked and high-fived me!) Anyway, I'm not sure whether it was your healing hands on Friday or the acupuncture/moxibustion on Saturday or some magical combination of the two, but I'm completely thrilled. The baby is OP at the moment so I'm still going to crawl around on all fours and avoid squatting to try to encourage a flip, but in the meantime I wanted to tell you the amazing news. I look forward to seeing you again later this week.

With thanks and best wishes,

P.S. Of course I was singing your praises all over the place and I left your name and contact info at the nurses station. Don't be surprised if you start getting lots of calls from that practice. My friends at the Prenatal Yoga Center will hear ALL about it tomorrow, too. L.K.


The one consistent feeling I have with every adjustment I’ve gotten from Amy is the feeling I get afterwards: That all is right with myself and the world. By “all right” I don’t mean flawless; I mean things feel perfect just the way they are. I feel perfect just the way I am. I have been seeing Amy for close to two years now on a regular basis, on average about once a week, and countless positive transformations have happened during this time. As with all true journeys, not all the changes came in that “wow, this is great” kind of package. But I’ve no doubt that I was able to grow and take risks in the level that I have over the years precisely because Amy was releasing patterns and activating inert pockets in my body-mind. It wasn’t long after my first sessions with her that I started feeling currents of energy and strength surging through my body, and later on during a given day (or week) of her adjustment new realizations would just occur to me, and situations would just happen, that would be precisely what I needed to have at that moment of growth. During her sessions I’ve ranged anywhere from bursting into tears, being in a meditative zone, wanting to chat nonstop, remembering forgotten incidents, or daydreaming. But always the feeling that I get afterwards has been a constant. A peacefulness takes place in the core, as though the spirit, or the heart, is finally allowed to just be. Something has taken place that makes creative and energetic expansion so possible to a point that it feels like a given, a natural birthright. Amy need not say in words what her hands always communicate in action: That our bodies are filled with so much good, waiting to be recognized and reintegrated with our consciousness.
-TM, New Jersey, life-student

Hi Amy,

I hope you and your family and the beautiful Lilly are having a great summer. My trip to San Diego has been an interesting one, and I am looking forward to my time in Buffalo shooting an indie film. But oh, how I miss coming to Flourish!

I just wanted to thank you for all you have done for me, and let you know how much my life has improved since coming to see you.

I have always been a pretty outwardly happy person, and felt like I have sorted and stored all my "baggage." Yet more and more I was feeling a disconnect in my life that I couldn’t explain. It’s like my body was hanging on to things my mind had long since rectified, and little by little it began weighing me down.

Since coming to see you, not only have I made improvements in my sleep, and major improvements in my restless leg problems, but my life has changed in very interesting and surprising ways. Now, instead of just worked hard, I work hard very differently, with an ability to follow through on the smallest details and make stronger decisions faster. Lots of tiny details in my life that never seemed to be the priority suddenly started getting taken care of. And then the more I would get done with such ease, the better I would feel and then the more I would get done. … I leave sessions with you feeling refreshed and renewed, and that my body really is flowing differently. That the energy in my body is less fragmented, and that the unexplainable feeling I have had of being stuck is slowly but surely coming undone.

Thank you for being such a passionate and gifted healer, and for continuing to help me open myself up to live up to my potential.

I’ll see you in September!

Most Sincerely,
Tracey B. Wilson

Amy Burke is a truly gifted healer--I have dealt with lower back pain for over a decade and have some depressing "diagnoses" but Dr. Burke doesn't deal with those limiting realities....Instead, Amy meets the body where it is and gently encourages each of our cells to embrace openness and expansion.
I have noticed growth in several different areas of my life, as Amy's approach has helped me to "unblock" emotions with issues that have been deeply lodged within for years.....As a result of Amy's healing sessions, my back definitely feels more supported and my entire body has also translated her healing messages into a different sense of self.

Amy is so intuitively aware that she is able to instinctively sense my "energy history" and change negative patterns that have been holding my body in painful positions. After just two sessions, I have moved forward with my life in profound ways--spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I trust Amy Burke with my most important health concerns, and am so grateful that this divine healer is in NYC!
Sandra C. Brooklyn, NY

"Originally I sought out chiropractic care for alleviation of pain... that was years ago! Amy is …a gifted healer with deep caring for the people she serves, as well as, being clearly intuitively gifted. I have been receiving chiropractic care for over 7 years and most …don't view me holistically or take time to reevaluate me every visit.... I could be any "spine" and, as a result, a lot of healing opportunities got missed! Amy's care incorporates me into the adjustment, allowing the wisdom of my body to continue to align itself...long after I leave the table! " 
RS, 28, Manhattan, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

  "…I love being on the table. I find the experience of getting adjusted by Amy as a wonderful gentle loving enjoyable time…I look forward to it. " 
MTR, 24, Manhattan, actress

"For almost two years I had been dealing with chronic hip/joint pain that no doctor could explain. A friend suggested trying chiropractic adjustments with Amy J. Burke, D.C. . The pain has greatly subsided since beginning chiropractic care, plus the resolution of an emotional matter that had weighed heavily on me for a couple years. My mind is calmed and my body freer from pain…[As a result,] I'm allowed the mental and emotional capacity to follow my path more clearly. I liked … that when we first met you used the word "integrity" in explaining your practice. I get the true sense that your intentions for following the career path you are on is to help people find their authentic selves and live life with more meaning and purpose. "
JB, 34, Brooklyn, Art Director

"…I usually feel like not much is happening during the sessions, then I leave and as the day goes on, my body readjusts ITSELF—amazing. One can really feel that one’s body knows what to do and Amy just gave it the go-ahead.  
....Some emotional choices became very clear suddenly and I’m definitely automatically smoking less. … (After one adjustment) I felt like I had twice the room behind my ribcage: it felt like my heart had just gotten room to grow, both physically and emotionally. It was strange but felt great. Amy is totally no-nonsense… everything she does makes perfect sense from a purely physical perspective. " 
ML, 37, Brooklyn, Architect

  "I feel more an active, integral part of the work, not passive as with other health practitioners. " 
LW, 36, Manhattan, Dancer, Choreographer, Movement analyst

When I came to see Amy it was because one of my twins was in the breech position... the good news for you is, if it worked for me [to have the baby turn], it should be even MORE likely to work for you, if you don't have a second baby in there to complicate matters! :-)

It was my first pregancy, and my story was that my Baby A (what they call the twin closest to the exit, so to speak...!), at a certain point, was breech. Then stayed breech. For the longest time. Baby B was vertex, but in terms of deciding how I could deliver, the only position that was relevant was that of Baby A. If she had stayed breech, I would have had to have a scheduled C-section, which I was really hoping to avoid. I really wanted to have a vaginal delivery if at all possible, and that meant I had to hope Baby A turned (and to do everything in my power to GET her to turn).

I tried a lot of things - I did the thing where you put something cold on top (where her head was) and a light near the bottom, to try to get her to (a) move away from the cold and (b) go toward the light. My husband read books down near the bottom so she might move toward the voice. I tried standing on my head in a swimming pool. But every ultrasound appointment I had, she was still breech. The OBs in my practice were all in favor of me continuing to try all these things, but they pretty much told me I needed to get mentally prepared for a C-section.

I was disappointed, but not defeated! My doula is the person who recommended Amy to me. I had another chiropractor who was trying to help me, but he did not practice the Webster technique and I knew I needed someone who did. So when my doula Terry recommended Amy, I was all for it. I just went back and looked at my calendar, and I saw her for the first time at about 32 weeks. My little Baby A was getting big - and it was getting crowded in there, because her sister was getting big, too. Like I said, the doctors didn't seem too hopeful that she would turn at that point. I saw Amy 3 times total, once in late November and twice in early December (probably 32, 34 and 34 weeks). The technique is totally non-invasive and gentle. She's basically trying to create space so the baby can move herself (or himself) - it's not about manipulating the baby directly at ALL. My first 2 ultrasounds after seeing Amy, the baby was still breech. But hey, at least I knew I was doing everything I could. And I really liked Amy, and even if the baby didn't turn, I felt like I was still doing something to take care of myself during my pregnancy, which is a good thing. But I was really starting to resign myself to a C-section, then lo and behold! My next ultrasound after seeing Amy for the 3rd time -- both babies were head down!!! She had turned!! I truly couldn't believe it - and neither could the doctors - I was overjoyed.

That must have been in mid-December, and I gave birth on January 4th (at 38 1/2 weeks -- vaginally, with no epidural may i add -- it was exactly what I was hoping to be able to do).

To answer your other questions, I'm not sure I'd say I could "absolutely tell" that she had turned, especially because I had two in there - it was sometimes hard to tell which parts were where and which parts belonged to which baby. You might be able to get a better sense of it with your baby. But I did feel a little bit different - I could sort of tell that the weight had shifted down - which makes sense since the heads are the heaviest parts, and if both of them were suddenly lower, I am sure I could feel a difference when I was walking around. Anyway, I was SO happy. And I am told it is VERY rare that a baby would flip back once s/he was head down for exactly that reason - the head is so much heavier than the rest of their body, once it's down, you can imagine that gravity would make it hard to go back up again. So if you can get your baby to flip, s/he will very likely stay that way.

I think you're doing a great thing by seeing Amy -- there's so much that feels out of our control when we're pregnant -- my feeling is that we should do everything we can to be proactive about helping things turn out the way we want them to. Then even if it doesn't work, it won't be for lack of trying!

And in terms of managing the stress of these last weeks, try to stay positive. Like I said, just by seeing Amy, you're doing a very proactive positive thing, so that's wonderful. And in terms of any worry you might have about what the birth experience is going to be like, the best advice I can offer is - try not to be afraid of anything - instead, just be CURIOUS about it. I remember I spent a lot of time "wondering" what it was going to be like more than being worried or afraid of it. That helped a lot. And truly, truly, truly - it is nothing you cannot handle. Just take one moment at a time. One contraction at a time. You get through one, rest a bit, and get through the next one. You can totally do it. I was really kind of looking forward to seeing what my body could do - after all, it is one of the things we were designed for. It's very empowering to give birth...(And you get a pretty good prize at the end, too.) :-)


As a new mom to a gorgeous 4 week old, I hardly have time for a shower, let alone a review. But I have to say, Amy Burke is worth the missed opportunity for cleanliness. I went to Amy after finding out that my baby was in a frank breech position at 32 weeks gestation. Amy was recommended to me by one of my oldest and wisest friends, also an actor like me, and also very discerning about who she trusts with her body and soul. Amy also just happens to be certified in the Webster technique of turning breech babies. I went to her after meeting with another chiropractor (and not loving his ideology). As I say (to myself), I went for the breech, I stayed for the heaven. An hour on Amy's table is an hour of peace, tranquility, travel, self exploration and bliss. After each session I felt more in tune with myself and my baby and more able to handle the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges of pregnancy. At 36 weeks I developed ridiculous sciatica, which had me in tears each time I stood up. After one session with Amy Burke, it was gone for a few days. Within 2 sessions, it was banished forever.

My gorgeous baby didn't turn to a vertex position, and, after much soul searching, I ended up having a c-section. Throughout my decision making process and recovery, Amy was emailing and calling offering support, suggestions and encouragement. Once our baby girl came home with us, Amy gave me an even greater gift. I was in a fog of sleep deprivation and breast feeding challenges were draining my confidence as a new mother. Amy offered to adjust both me and my baby. Both of us fell into a deep state of relaxation, one we hadn't felt since pre-delivery. And I had the profound sense that Amy reeled my soul back in and firmly planted it in my body once again. She's priceless and peerless. Go to her.

Amy D.

AMY J. BURKE, D.C. 19 E. 71st STREET, SUITE 5A, NEW YORK, NY 10021  . 212. 861. 2015   . amy@flourishnyc.com